2020 Snapshot

Measure the success and strength of our community by the health and wellbeing of all citizens

In Ontario, 37 women were killed by men in their lives in 2020 including in London.   To bring awareness to those lives lost and the gaps in our social fabric, the LCCEWA launched their 3rd Annual Snapshot on February 26th.   

Developed as an ‘action-in-a-box' regional strategy to engage and inform government about the state of our communities.  The goal is to build a bigger wave of public attention to the epidemic of femicide and violence against women and children.  

The Snapshot helps to measure our success as a City by telling the stories and highlighting the numbers of people who are struggling to survive in the current system.   It helps us to connect the dots between social and systemic intersectional issues that include violence against women, inequality, rising poverty, mental health, addictions, engaging men who use violence, human trafficking, affordable housing, and employment.   

Understanding and addressing the complexity of social issues is essential for prevention, informed policies, and prioritizing support for families.  It’s critical for municipal, provincial, and federal leaders to better understand that violence committed against women is a bi-partisan societal issue that has individual, social and economic costs.    

The 2020 Snapshot also includes statistics from April – September 2020 to begin to tell the story of the devastating impact of the pandemic.  Service providers were faced with extraordinary pressures with widespread job loss, food insecurity, homelessness, addiction, and burgeoning mental health issues.  These all put huge pressure on individual agencies and the system.   

Solutions to our most pressing problems require the engagement and support of the whole community. We are using the Snapshot to tell the story of what is happening on the ground and to think together about what it takes to be successful as a community.  

Click here for Snapshot 2020 PDF

Final 2020 Snapshot, Feb 23rd, 2021.jpg
Final 2020 Snapshot, Feb 23rd, 2021-2.jpg